Monday, December 16, 2013

Here's an update for you, Santa!

Dear Santa,
After doing some research, we learned that there are a lot of castles in Germany, and that's an understatement!  So, we made you some pictures of castles in the day and night.  We hope you like them and that they help you find Germany. 
We have also had a great time learning about you in Italy and Mexico.  We wonder where we will travel to next!
Can you believe we passed our soap goal?!  We only asked for 30 bars of soap, and we got 45!  We did themath and figured out we got 15 more bars of soap than our goal...WOW!  It makes us feel good inside to know we have a made a difference.
We are sooo excited about Polar Express Day!  We get to wear our pjs, drink hot cocoa, eat popcorn, and do all thongs Polar Express.  It's going to be a magical day!
The Junior Elves and Mrs. Stephenson

Elves Love using Technology!!!

Christmas in Germany

Christmas in Germany

Christmas in Germany

Thursday, December 12, 2013

How do you speak German?

Guten Tag! That's how you say "Good morning" in German...and that's all I know.  People in Germany speak a different language than we do.  They speak German instead of English.  I need to learn how to speak some words in German so I can read the kids' letters and make sure they get what they want for Christmas.  Do you think you can help me?  I'm sure Mrs. Stephenson will be happy to help you do some research.  I need to know how to say: good night, presents, Merry Christmas, snow, and pickle.  Thanks, Junior Elves!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

O, Christmas Tree

Ho, ho, ho! I am really liking your class Christmas tree. I love the reindeer ornaments and the paper chain! Did you know that decorating Christmas trees is a Christmas tradition from Germany? A long time ago, German people would decorate the evergreen trees with food, such as gold-covered apples and nuts, and candles. As time went on, they discovered how to make glass ornaments...and tinsel! I love tinsel! It's soooooo sparkly! Today, we decorate our trees with electrical lights and all kinds of ornaments. If you look under the tree, you'll see that I sent a Christmas tree craft back with Christian. I hope you have fun decorating it. You can have Mrs. Stephenson to punch a hole in it and tie it to your Santa File. That way, I can have it to remind me where to leave the presents for all the kids. I hope you have a super Wednesday, and be extra specially good listeners today. I love you all! Your friend, Santa P.S. Do you think you can finish up those castles for me today? I REALLY need them so I can prepare my flight plans. Thanks!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Happy Monday!

Good morning Junior Elves! Are you ready to get busy? I know you have made me a map of Germany, but I need a landmark so I'll know I'm in the right place. Discuss this with Mrs. Stephenson and let me know what you find out. When you decide what a landmark is, make sure you show me what it looks like in the day time and at night, so I'll be able to easily spot it.  Christian visited over the weekend, and he was very sad that so many of his new friends are not being good listeners. You still have some time to show him you can do it! I hope you all have a wonderful Monday and I'll talk to you soon.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

Ho, ho, ho! Do you know what today is? It's not just's Saint Nicholas Day! The night before Saint Nicholas Day, German children lay their shoes out for Saint Nicholas to fill with treats and toys. What do you leave out for me to fill with toys and treats? I helped Mrs. Stephenson make an activity for you to put in your Santa File to help you out with some math word problems. I think you're going to love it! I visited Mrs. Stephenson's Facebook page and saw your video of the whip dance. You did a great job showing me how to do it. Thank you so much! Now, the kids in Germany will be able to receive their gifts. Don't you think that will make them happy? How do you feel when you receive a gift? Even better, how do you feel when you give something to someone, or when you help someone? It is better to give than to receive. Have a good weekend, Junior Elves! Your Pal, Santa PS. I am very sorry for the mess Christian made this morning. I'm going to give him a good talking-to when he comes back tonight, don't you worry.

Do I need this or do I want this?

Greetings my Junior Elves! I love what you have done with the tree! It makes my heart fill with happiness to see kids excited about Christmas time. I heard that Christian told you that I needed lots and lots of research on Germany, and thank goodness, because my office is in such a mess with the elves being sick that I have lost all the paperwork on the different countries! You did a great job of locating Germany on the map, and I'm so happy that you put it in a Santa File for me. Now, maybe, I can finally be organized. Today, do you think you can learn about the Christmas food they eat in Germany so I'll know what to expect instead of milk and cookies? Also, Christian told me about a dance you learned. I believe he called it the whip dance? Do you think you can perform it and send it to me so I'll know how to enter Germany. The countries have a silly rule about me having to dance before I can come in. Thank you so much! Before I go, let me leave you with this little thought...what is the difference between needing something and wanting something and why is it important? Think about it and let me know.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Elf Application and Reindeer ornament

Ho, ho, ho! Thank you so much for helping! I knew I could count on you. Did you meet my little elf friend? Mrs. Stephenson told me you decided to name him Christian...what a spectacular name! I've also been reading some of your elf applications, and they are quite impressive. To reward you for getting the paperwork done on time, I've decided to let you make a reindeer ornament for the Christmas tree. I have given Christian a specific order for supplies. Each kid will need 3 popsicle sticks, 1 pom-pom nose, and 2 googly eyes. Christian is going to come to me while you're gone to PE and get the supplies, so I hope you come up with the right amount. Remember, elves work together to find solutions to their problems. Now, on to Christian's report. Christian told me that he was so happy to meet all of you, and he thinks the world of you, but he said you were all so talkative during class. He said that Mrs. Stephenson had to wait to give instructions and that some of you would talk while another friend was trying to share. My junior elves need to listen to instructions so that the jobs can be done correctly. Promise me you'll do better with that, okay?