Good morning Junior Elves! Are you ready to get busy? I know you have made me a map of Germany, but I need a landmark so I'll know I'm in the right place. Discuss this with Mrs. Stephenson and let me know what you find out. When you decide what a landmark is, make sure you show me what it looks like in the day time and at night, so I'll be able to easily spot it. Christian visited over the weekend, and he was very sad that so many of his new friends are not being good listeners. You still have some time to show him you can do it! I hope you all have a wonderful Monday and I'll talk to you soon.
We are going to make a landmark out of a castle for you. We hope you find the way to Germany.
Your Junior Elves
I can not wait to see what your class comes up with next. You elves are working hard for Santa. Keep up the good work!