Tuesday, December 10, 2013

O, Christmas Tree

Ho, ho, ho! I am really liking your class Christmas tree. I love the reindeer ornaments and the paper chain! Did you know that decorating Christmas trees is a Christmas tradition from Germany? A long time ago, German people would decorate the evergreen trees with food, such as gold-covered apples and nuts, and candles. As time went on, they discovered how to make glass ornaments...and tinsel! I love tinsel! It's soooooo sparkly! Today, we decorate our trees with electrical lights and all kinds of ornaments. If you look under the tree, you'll see that I sent a Christmas tree craft back with Christian. I hope you have fun decorating it. You can have Mrs. Stephenson to punch a hole in it and tie it to your Santa File. That way, I can have it to remind me where to leave the presents for all the kids. I hope you have a super Wednesday, and be extra specially good listeners today. I love you all! Your friend, Santa P.S. Do you think you can finish up those castles for me today? I REALLY need them so I can prepare my flight plans. Thanks!

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